How Y2K Magazines Made Us Hate Our Bodies: A Deep Dive with Alana Van Der Sluys

We are dissecting the magazine covers that we constantly saw in the early 2000s, Y2K era. Covers from Self Magazine, Glamour Magazine, Cosmopolitan, Seventeen, Women's Health and more. The women on the covers include Eva Longoria, Jewel, and Molly Sims while headlines of ""Simplify Your Slim-Down", "Peel Off The Pounds", and "Lose Weight By January 1!" flood the front.

My guest today is Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor Alana Van Der Sluys, who is a Health at Every Size advocate, author, speaker, and eating disorder survivor. She is the founder of Freedom with Food and Fitness, where she empowers women to heal their relationship with food and their bodies through intuitive eating and fitness. She gives her clients the tools to eat what they want--without guilt, stress or anxiety--while still promoting authentic health and longevity.

You can follow Alana on Instagram @freedomwithfoodandfitness

Check out her podcast here.

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