Take a Good Look in the Mirror with Mirror-Talk Queen Kelcy Valletta

Kelcy Valletta is going to show you how to build self-love and confidence through her Mirror Talk Strategy. Kelcy is a self-love and confidence coach who understands the unique struggles that women face when it comes to body image and confidence. The Mirror Talk Strategy is a simple but effective way to start building self-love and confidence. Kelcy outlined how she did it in detail, so that you can follow along and start seeing results for yourself.

If you're a millennial mom struggling with confidence, this episode is for you. You'll learn the Mirror Talk Strategy from Kelcy Valletta, a tool that will help you connect with yourself on a deeper level and get the self-love and confidence you deserve.

Kelcy is a self love and confidence guru, also known as the Mirror Talk Queen. She got into the business of helping others after going through a period in her life where she lacked confidence. Kelcy realized that in order to help others, she needed to first help herself. She created Mirror Talk as a way to talk to herself in the mirror and give herself the love and attention she felt she was missing from others. Mirror Talk has helped Kelcy and her clients build their confidence back up and learn to prioritize self love.

Here are the steps you need to follow to also get self-love and confidence.:
1. Look at yourself in the mirror and connect with your own reflection
2. Talk to yourself in a positive, affirming way
3. Repeat step 2 every day until it becomes a habit

1. Look at yourself in the mirror and connect with your own reflection
Looking at yourself in the mirror and connecting with your reflection is an important step in practicing self-love and confidence. When you look at yourself, really see yourself and connect with your feelings and thoughts in that moment. Talk to yourself kindly, as you would a friend. Remind yourself of your worthiness and that you deserve love and respect. This simple act can shift your mindset and help you to feel more confident overall.

Looking at yourself in the mirror and connecting with your reflection is an important step in practicing self-love and confidence. When you look at yourself, really see yourself and connect with your feelings and thoughts in that moment. Talk to yourself kindly, as you would a friend. Remind yourself of your worthiness and that you deserve love and respect. This simple act can shift your mindset and help you to feel more confident overall. It can be helpful to write down some positive affirmations to say to yourself as well. Things like “I am enough”, “I am worthy”, “I am loved”. Repeat these to yourself often, both when you’re looking in the mirror and throughout the day. Let them sink in and truly believe them. As you start to believe them more, you will start to see a change in how you feel about yourself. Practicing self-love and confidence takes time and effort, but it is so worth it. It can be a game changer in how you see yourself and your place in the world. So, start today by looking in the mirror and connecting with your reflection. Give yourself the love and respect you deserve.

2. Talk to yourself in a positive, affirming way
Talk to yourself in a positive, affirming way by looking in the mirror and saying things like "you're going to get through this," "you don't deserve to feel like a failure," or "you deserve more." This will help you to believe in yourself and get through tough times.

Another way to talk to yourself in a positive, affirming way is to write yourself a letter. In this letter, you can tell yourself all of the things that you would tell a friend in a similar situation. This can be a really helpful way to boost your own morale and remind yourself that you're not alone. Finally, one last way to talk to yourself in a positive, affirming way is to keep a list of your accomplishments. This list can be anything from small accomplishments, like making your bed in the morning, to big accomplishments, like getting a promotion at work. Having this list to look back on can help you to remember how far you've come and all of the great things that you've done.

3. Repeat step 2 every day until it becomes a habit
It may feel weird at first, but the more you do it, the more natural it will become. This is a tool that can help women overcome the negative messages about beauty and worth that society sends.

Mirror Talk is a great way to become more confident in yourself and your appearance. It is a positive way to counteract the negative messages about beauty and worth that society sends. The more you do it, the more natural it will become, and you will begin to see yourself in a more positive light.

Kelcy’s Mirror Talk Strategy is a simple but effective way to start building self-love and confidence. If you're struggling with confidence, this is a tool that can help you connect with yourself on a deeper level and get the self-love and confidence you deserve.

I’d love to hear how you apply Kelcy’s Mirror Talk Strategy to get self-love and confidence. Leave me a comment on how it went for you or drop any questions you want me to answer!


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